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Close up of the statue, "Alma Matter", a bronze depiction of a woman wearing a laurel outside of the Low Memorial Library,


The Advisory Board provides support and guidance to the Program's leadership in advancing its mission as one of the world’s foremost graduate programs in applied sustainability studies.  Advisory Board members comprise of alumni, faculty, and industry leaders in key positions in some of the world’s most impactful organizations who serve a critically important role in the development of the Program's educational and research programs.

Board Member Profiles


Curtis Probst

CEO, New York City Energy Efficiency Corporation

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John Lewis

Senior Advisor Regenerative Agriculture at

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James Ossman

Vice President of Marketplace Initiatives and Strategic Sourcing at Etsy

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Sally Paridis

Senior Sustainability Industry Expert


Wendy Hapgood

Cofounder and COO, Wild Tomorrow Fund

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Dazzle Bhujwala

Senior Director at Ceres Investor Network

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Eileen McGinnis

Chairwoman of the Board of Directors of CMC Energy Services


Jim Kuster

Managing Partner of Gravitas Americas LLC


Shaun Hoyte

Section Manager, Clean Energy Networks, Con Edison

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Dong Guo

Associate Director .

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Vance Merolla

Senior Vice President, Global Sustainability, Colgate-Palmolive Company

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Kurt Vogt

Lecturer in Professional Studies; Corporate Banking

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Susan Blaustein

Founder/Director, WomenStrong International

Logo that reads "Columbia Climate School, The Earth Institute. Columbia University, School of Professional Studies."
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