Diversity, Equity, And Inclusion In The M.S. In Sustainability Management Program
The Graduate Programs in Sustainability Management & Sustainability Science and co-sponsors – The Earth Institute/Climate School and the School of Professional Studies –are committed to anti-racism. From the perspective of our program specifically, anti-racism is especially pertinent because the pursuit of equity is bound with the pursuit of sustainability. The programs have implemented and will continuously implement measures to improve diversity among its faculty, students, and staff, as well as to integrate equity concerns in its curriculum.
Historical Overview
The SUMA Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee , which was formed in 2020, led the MS in Sustainability Management program's anti-racism work, provided accountability for the implementation of recommendations that emerged from committee discussions, and communicated periodically with students, alumni, and faculty on the program’s progress. The Committee comprised students, alumni, faculty, and staff representatives.
Early in this effort, we deemed it important to conduct a DE&I Audit that would set a baseline of performance, as well produce new strategies for improvement. Conducted by Iere Strategies, a consulting team of social scientists with long experience in DE&I work, the audit was complex. It involved surveying students, faculty, and staff, in-depth interviews on a voluntary basis, an examination of program data, and an analysis of the program's two required courses (Sustainability Management and the Capstone Workshop), including a review of the syllabi and observations of class sessions.
Additionally, The student representatives comprised the SUMA Equity Alliance, a new student group supported by the School of Professional Studies. The Committee met throughout the year to discuss initiatives and assess progress. The Committee's goals were as outlined:
1) Diversify the student body, faculty, and staff
2) Create an inclusive environment in the program
3) Integrate equity in concerns into the curriculum
Spring 2022 & Beyond
As the programs have grown tremendously, so have the DE&I efforts. We transitioned from committee work to a fully operational DEI Initiatives division, led by Dr. John Williams, Director of Student Affairs & DEI. Now with the theme DEI in ACTION, the Sustainability Programs are ensuring that DEI is commonplace in all that we do!
Student Development
DEI + Sustainability Summer Internship
SUMA Equity Alliance Advisor
SUMA Equity Alliance (SEA) Town Hall
SUMA Equity Alliance Faculty Dinner
ESP Summer DEI Workshops
HBCU Climate Change Conference
SUMA Equity Alliance International Student Resource Guide
Columbia HBCU Fellowship
Serving as Advisor
Admissions & Application Review
Virginia HBCU Fellowship Tour
FAMU Cultural Immersion Trip
Faculty & Curriculum Development
Courses with DEI Emphasis
Geographies of Environmental Justice & Sustainability - J. Williams
Equity, Policy, & Sustainability - D. Mathis
Critical Urban Infrastructure - D. Mathis
Building Resilience in 21st Century Detroit - D. Davidson
Sustainable Operations - S. Hoyte
Sustainability Management – F. Ortiz/F. Fubini/W. Hapgood/S. Huda
Capstone Workshop – D. A’Keen
Courses in Development
Environmental Justice & Sustainability (Global Issues Focus)
Entrepreneurial Design for Social Impact (DEI & Sustainability)
Continue working with DEI Consultants (Iere Strategies)
Developing future workshop plans
Completing RFPs & Contracts
Brainstorming DEI course development
Developing Surveys and DEI Audits
Community Development
FUTURE PROGRAMMING with CS Assoc. Dean for DEIAAJ in mind:
Developing Faculty DEI Teaching & Skills Workshop Series
Developing Student DEI Skills Workshop Series
Ongoing DEI Conversations/Standing Meeting among CS Partner Programs
SPS DEIA Committee connections
CS-UTexas Campus Visit
CS Summer HBCU Luncheon

Siani, Rashawn, & John representing the Climate School at the Brownfields Conference 2023

John and Rashawn with Dr. Robert Bullard, the Father of Environmental Justice, at Brownfields 2023 in Detroit, MI

Siani and Rashawn served as hosts during the Summer Luncheon with Southern University students hosted by CS
Progress to Date
Formed DE&I Committee
Completed a third-party DE&I audit
Introduced new courses
Offered co-curricular programming on equity & sustainability
Expanded student recruitment to reach BIPOC students
Joined the SPS fellowship program for HBCU graduates
Created the Hub - network of BIPOC students/alumni
Trained faculty in DE&I teaching techniques
Introduced language about inclusion in syllabi
Added DE&I to course evaluations
Underwent a curricular review
Further improved diversity through student recruitment
Hired diverse faculty
Report incidents of Discrimination, Harassment, or Gender-Based Misconduct here
Report incidents of Hazing here
Please note that submissions of the above reports may not be reviewed outside of normal business hours.
If you are concerned about a student and/or community member, please submit a student of concern report here
If there is an immediate risk to health or safety, please contact Columbia Public Safety
(212) 854-5555 (Morningside)
(212) 853-3333 (Manhattanville)
(212) 305-7979 (CUIMC)
We ask that you please reflect on biases towards Asians and do all you can to support your Asian colleagues. One place to start is this video series offered by the Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Center, We are not a Stereotype, which explores the complexity of the term "Asian Pacific American," and provides resources on migration, occupation, racial, and gender identities, and cross-community building.
Anti-racism for Allies
Scaffolding Anti-Racism Resources
Stop AAPI Hate
Free bystander intervention training
Read more about the bystander intervention model on Columbia Health's website
Become involved in the Graduate Initiative at Columbia University's Office of University Life Diversity Initiatives
Become involved - SUMA Equity Alliance
Additional anti-racism resources
Counseling and Psychological Services - A CPS representative can be reached 24/7 by calling 212-854-2878.
For students within the United States looking to schedule a new virtual appointment, please call 212-854-2878, Monday-Thursday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., and Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m