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Tuition and Fees

Tuition is calculated based on the total points (credits) registered for a given semester. Full-time students are registered for 12 or more points in a given semester.

This listing is intended to summarize possible charges that could be incurred against a student’s account. Certain charges depend upon specific circumstances, as noted. Fees that are not billed to the student account, such as course fees or placement test fees, may be required but are not listed here.

Summer 2025

$2,746.00 per point


Spring 2025

$2,640.00 per point

Fall 2024

$2,640.00 per point

Student Activities Fee*

M.S. Students

$300.00 per term

Certificate Students

$300.00 per term

University Services and Support Fee**

Full-time (12+ credits)

$602.00 per term 

Part-time (1–5.99 credits)

$456.00 per term

Full-time (12+ credits)

$694.00 per term 

Health and Related Services Fee***

Half-time (6–11.99 credits)

$347.00 per term 

Part-time (1–5.99 credits)

$208.00 per term 

One-Time Document Fee

for all new students


Orientation Fee (beginning Fall 2021)****

one-time fee for all new M.S. students


Technology Fee

$35.00 per term

International Services Charge

Required of all international students.

$160.00 per term

​Late Registration Fees

During late registration period


After late registration period


Withdrawal Fee

Required of any student who drops all courses for which he or she has registered.

$75.00 per term

​Student Medical Insurance

All full-time students must provide proof of insurance or enroll in one of the University plans. This fee is optional for part-time students

Deposit Requirement

Tuition and fees are subject to the Columbia University Board of Trustees' approval and may change.
* Student Activities Fee – Assessed to support in-person and online student-facing services and events including but not limited to: Academic Support, Career Services, Graduation, Student Engagement Programs, and SPS student organizations. All events can be found on SPS Engage at
** University Services and Support Fee – Students are required to pay a University Facilities Fee depending on their registration. Full-time students are those registered for 12 or more points over a 16-week term. This fee is subject to Board of Trustee approval and may change.

*** Health Service Fee – Required of all students. Includes clinical services provided on campus as well as integrated off-campus services. See for details. Students who pay the Health Service Fee in Spring are not required to pay the Health Service Fee in Summer. The Summer Fee applies to new summer students only.
**** Orientation Fee – Required one-time fee for all entering degree students in their first term, covering the costs of mandatory orientation programming.

Funding Opportunities

Sustainability Management Fellowship Programs

Course Reader Roles

Columbia HBCU Fellowship Program

Luksic Scholarship for Sustainability at Columbia University

Columbia SPS CUNY Fellowship

Climate School Internships

Financial Resources

​The School of Professional Studies works to ensure that the cost of continuing education and professional studies do not stand in the way of students’ goals. Most students at the School use a combination of savings, scholarships, loans, outside grants, sponsors, or employer tuition benefits to cover the cost of attendance.

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